Third time's a charm, so they say...

Here I am again trying to make this thing called blogging work, 3 years later, almost 3 kids later, and with a new perspective. They say third time's a charm, and I am a firm believer of that, so count this as my first blog post because there will be more, I promise! Many things have changed since I last attempted to blog. If you've been keeping up with me on IG you've stayed informed. I am currently pregnant with my third (our sweet surprise). I am due June 16, and we are overly nervous, worried & excited. We recently got some uncertain news that left us a bit worried. I promise to share more in different post once I have more information. I know, I am not a fan of vague posts either, but truthfully I don't have more information to share. We are currently dealing with the uncertainty of that, and its been quite overwhelming. In addition, we are trying to schedule Mila's test that her neurologist recommended. As for Liam, he remains a happy little soul, with a little attitude, but still very loving and kind. Oh, and yes!!! still on the hunt for cute, fashionable or in Liam's words "cool" and comfy clothes for the kiddos, but with a smaller budget. A way smaller budget, but we make it work. Well, I promise to share a little bit of EVERYTHING on here, and I mean EVERYTHING. This year I have connected with so many different moms who have inspired me in so many ways, and I don't want that to go unnoticed. I also created a fun page @thecastrosdayout where I'll share fun outings to explore with your kiddos. If there is anything you would like to see more of, just let me know! Thank you for reading, and I hope you follow along. 

Love, Martha


Currently living by this quote!